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Every Day Eagles

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Every Day Eagles

Joplin Schools is focused on encouraging and supporting strong student attendance this year through our new Every Day Eagles attendance campaign. Our students learn best and achieve more when they come to school every day. Research shows that when students are chronically absent (missing about 9 days per semester), they are less likely to read proficiently by third grade, achieve in middle school, or graduate from high school. Students who regularly attend school are more likely to reach higher academic performance, find more work options and earning potential, have access to greater opportunities for higher education, have higher levels of civic engagement, and develop more life skills that positively impact health and economic decisions.

School attendance may be a national issue at the moment, but its impacts are very local. We've looked into our own outcomes, and see a strong correlation between attendance and improved grades, as demonstrated in the chart below. 


A chart shows how attendance impacts GPA in Joplin Schools.


We also know many families and students deal with real barriers that can interrupt their ability to make it to class each day. We urge parents to reach out to school counselors, success coordinators, and principals to collaborate on plans that can improve their student's attendance so we can see them at school Every Day. It's not only about grades - when kids are in school, they have access to nutritious meals, mental health supports, immediate resources, social connections, and meaningful involvement opportunities that all add up to higher chances for future success. And future success is our driving motivation in Joplin Schools, where we are committed to Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow.


Every Day Eagles provides a district-wide focus for what's happening in every Joplin Schools building this year: creative incentives, engaging lessons, community sponsors, and caring staff. Thank you for making sure your children are in class, and for supporting their education from preschool all the way to graduation.