Chronic Absenteeism has an impact on all of us. School is Better with YOU!
Become an attendance pro! Learn the facts, come to school, and reach your goals!
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Missouri holds the school accountable for maintaining a 90% attendance rate for 90% of the student population. Therefore, attendance not only sets a good benefit instructionally for your child but also helps represent our school in a positive manner with accreditation. Statute 167.031, RSMo
Truancy is defined as students who are absent from school without the knowledge and consent of their parents/guardians and the administration. Students who leave school during any session without the consent of the principal shall also be considered truant. Students may also be considered truant if they have accumulated excessive unjustifiable absences, even with the consent of parents/guardians.
Absences that are beyond the student’s control AND confirmed by both the parent/legal guardian and school as a legitimate absence are considered “authorized absences.” Authorized absences require proper verification/documentation from the parent/legal guardian the day of the absence; however, prior-notification is preferred. Authorized absences, like all absences (excluding school-sponsored activities), count against the nine (9) days allowed by the policy for earning credit in the course. Unlike other absences, students may make up their work for full credit in each course if the absence is determined to be an authorized absence. Examples of authorized absences include but may not be limited to the following:
● School-sponsored activities
● Appointments with licensed practitioners who deal with dental, medical, or psychiatric problems in the event the appointment cannot be scheduled outside the school day (prior notification of the appointment may be required in certain cases)
● Funerals or the death of a family member as verified by parent/legal guardian
● Personal illness (parents need to notify the school the day of the absence and no later than one day after the absence)
Parents are asked to telephone the school in the morning when their child is absent for any reason. Dental appointments, hospital and medical appointments, or travel with the parents are considered adequate reasons for absence, if these cannot be scheduled outside school time. Please send a note a day ahead to the teacher informing them of the time and probable length of the appointment. This allows the teacher to plan ahead for your child’s absence and will prevent unnecessary delays when you arrive to pick them up.
Although adequate reasons for absence may be given, all absences are documented on the student’s attendance record. Because we want to keep you informed of your child’s attendance, attendance letters may be automatically mailed home after 5 days of absence, as well as 5 days tardy.
Classes are in session from 7:45am to 2:55pm.
Bell Schedule
7:35am – First bell rings and students may go to class
7:45am – Tardy bell rings and school begins. If your child is not here by 7:45am, they will be counted tardy.
2:55pm – Dismissal bell rings. Picking up students before the dismissal bell counts against attendance.
Classes are in session from 8:30am to 3:40pm.
Bell Schedule
8:20am – First bell rings for breakfast to end and students may go to class
8:30am – Tardy bell rings and school begins. If your child is not in class by 8:30am, they will be counted tardy.
3:40pm – Dismissal bell rings. Picking up students before the dismissal bell counts against attendance.
Classes are in session from 8:30am to 3:40pm.
Bell Schedule
8:30am – Tardy bell rings and school begins. If your child is not in class by 8:30am, they will be counted tardy.
3:40pm – Dismissal bell rings. Students leaving before the dismissal bell counts against attendance.
View a downloadable PDF with PreK tips and reminders from Attendance Works
View a downloadable PDF with Elementary tips and reminders from Attendance Works
View a downloadable PDF with Secondary tips and reminders from Attendance Works