Flyers for area events, opportunities, and resources are linked here for the benefit of Joplin Schools students and families. Items are posted to this bulletin board as a free service to the community, and should not be interpreted as being sponsored or endorsed by the district. As such, Joplin Schools does not guarantee accessibility compliance on the linked community flyers.
Joplin Parents as Teachers …..……….posted 8/7/24
Join North Middle School Bike Bus….posted 8/21/24
Greenheart Exchange Host Families…posted 8/21/24
AFS Host an Exchange Student……..posted 10/7/24
STS Host an Exchange Student……posted 11/05/24
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support……..posted 11/21/24
Joplin Museum Open House………..posted 11/25/24
YMCA Winter Camp………………….posted 11/25/24
YMCA Jr. NBA Basketball…………...posted 12/09/24
CPR Heartsaver Training Class.…...posted 12/09/24
Basic Life Support Certification…….posted 12/09/24
Nine Lives Winter Day Camp………posted 12/09/24
Joplin Public Library Dec Events…..posted 12/10/24
New Driver Assistance……………...posted 12/13/24
Food Handler Classes………………posted 12/13/24
Spay/Neuter Assistance…………….posted 12/13/24
First Impact New Driver Classes…..posted 12/13/24