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School Bus Safety

School buses are one of the safest modes of tranportation available for our students, but it’s important to teach safety in entering, exiting, and riding the school bus. Here are some tips to share with your children:

  • Loading and unloading the school bus present the most opportunities for potentially dangerous situations.
    • Arrive a few minutes early to your bus stop, and wait at least 10 feet from the side of the road.
    • Wait for the bus driver’s signal before crossing the street to load or unload the bus.
    • When crossing streets, alleys, and driveways, look both ways twice to check for moving vehicles.
    • When crossing to or away from the bus remember: If you can touch the bus, you are too close. If you can’t see the driver through the window, you are too close.
    • Never cross behind the bus or where the driver cannot see you; always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
    • If you drop something while entering or exiting the bus, do not bend down to pick it up. Instead, tell the bus driver and follow their instructions.
    • Parents should wait on the side of the road that students will be released to, not across the street.
    • Never chase the school bus. If you miss the bus, return home or to the school office and call for help.
    • Always use the handrails while entering or exiting the bus.
  • Parents or guardians of kindergarten and first grade students must meet their student at the bus door and ask for their student by name. Siblings that are fourth grade or older may accompany kindergartners and first graders home instead of a parent or guardian.
  • When riding the bus, take your seat quickly and remain seated for the entire ride.
  • Be sure your backpack is closed and all items are contained in the backpack.
  • Follow all Transportation Regulations and enjoy the trip!


NHTSA Bus Safety Facts

Transportation Regulations

A poster about school bus danger zones.