AMI stands for Alternative Methods of Instruction. On these days, schools provide instruction virtually for students to complete at home. Here is how the AMI Day process will work in Joplin Schools:
- School closure announcements will be shared on ParentSquare and Facebook as early as possible each closure day.
- AMI packets are distributed to Elementary students earlier in first semester. If you cannot find your student’s packet, click here to download a printable copy. Assignments in elementary AMI packets will generally be a review of concepts based on standards from district curriculum pacing. Materials for Specials classes and resources for at-risk readers are also available in the above link.
- All AMI assignments for Secondary students will be uploaded into your student’s Canvas account by 9:00AM. These assignments will generally be a review of concepts based on standards from district curriculum pacing. If several AMI days occur in a row, new content may be introduced in some classes.
- Students will complete the assignments each day an AMI closure is necessary. Work can be turned in either electronically according to due date (for secondary students) or on paper on the first day students return to school. AMI work is required and will be recorded as a grade.
- Teachers will make every effort to respond to messages from parents and students during the hours of 9am to 3pm on an AMI day.
Parents can support AMI day requirements by providing a quiet place for students to complete their work and ensuring students turn in completed assignments on time. We appreciate your partnership in your student’s education!
Why AMI?
AMI Days were introduced by the State of Missouri to help schools improve educational continuity during short-term closures like snow days. AMI days allow the district to count these virtual learning days into our school calendar instead of adding extra days onto the end of the school year.
In December 2024, the state also added a requirement that school districts of our size (30,000 municipality citizens or more) must meet a minimum threshold of 169 student attendance days. That requirement was accompanied by an update that our allowable AMI hours (36) could be spread across 6 AMI Days.
We understand AMI Days and virtual learning experiences may present unique challenges for some students or families. Please reach out to your teacher or principal if you have concerns or need assistance.